#Beyond Hosting LiteSpeed Auto Installation if [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; then #Set the serial key that was passed in ls_serial=$1 #Make folders incase they do not exist mkdir /usr/local/beyondhosting/ mkdir /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/ #Install LiteSpeed EasyApache dependencies yum -y install ea-php54-php-litespeed ea-php55-php-litespeed ea-php56-php-litespeed ea-php70-php-litespeed ea-php71-php-litespeed #Download and set permissions for the LiteSpeed provided basic installer cd /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/ wget -4 http://www.litespeedtech.com/packages/cpanel/lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh -O /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh chmod 777 /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh #Run the installation, passing in the serial key and also using it as the default password for "admin" user. ./lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh $ls_serial 1 0 admin $ls_serial root@localhost 1 1 #remove the litespeed basic installer rm -f /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh cd ~ #Resolve the issues with missing timezone extentions sh /usr/local/lsws/add-ons/cpanel/lsws_whm_plugin/buildtimezone_ea4.sh y #Download and set permissions for the Beyond Hosting default LiteSpeed config wget -4 http://mirror.beyondhosting.net/provisioning/cpanel-automated-provisioning/litespeed/httpd_config.xml -O /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml chmod 644 /usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml #Restart LiteSpeed to load in the new config systemctl restart lsws else echo "You must provide the LiteSpeed license key. Eg: sh /usr/local/beyondhosting/tmp/bh_ls_installer.sh serialkeyhere" fi